On November 6th, we welcomed our fellows to our second All Corps professional development event of the 2021-22 school year. Grounded in our core value of continual learning, the day featured ATC alumni facilitating content-specific sessions and allowed current fellows the opportunity to facilitate skill-based sessions for their peers.
Archive for tag: Teacher Development
Self-Care, Community Critical for Virtual Institute
Planning and executing a virtual summer institute for novice teachers is no easy task. While maintaining some critical elements of years past, Summer Institute 2021 had a more intentional focus on self-care and community building.
Fellows Build Skills, Community at First All-Corps PD
On Saturday, September 18 we convened all fellows of the Arkansas Teacher Corps for the first time of the 2021-2022 school year. The All-Corps event was 5 hours of professional development focused on building a collective experience for our fellows who have been virtual since February 2020.
Zoom, Meet, Teams, Oh My! ATC Plans for Strategic Tech Use
I think I speak for the whole Arkansas Teacher Corps staff when I say I am very excited about our program’s new strategic direction! Last...
Review of TESS Data Says Focus on Engagement
The ATC Teacher Development Team completed the remainder of fall TESS evaluations in January and has now set a direction for PD and coaching this spring--one centered on student engagement.
Preliminary Findings Suggest Virtual Institute A Success
Preliminary findings of research conducted by a team of researchers from Auburn University suggest the Arkansas Teacher Corps (ATC) 2020 Summer Institute was a success despite an unprecedented 100% virtual format.
ATC Receives Tech Grant to Upgrade Virtual Coaching
Arkansas Teacher Corps (ATC), an alternative teacher certification program of the University of Arkansas, has been selected for one of twenty 2020 Video Observation Technology...
Adjusting to 100% Virtual Coaching for Fall 2020
On the Teacher Development Team, we moved into the 2020-21 year knowing that we were going to be virtual but with a renewed focus on...