It is February everyone! And you know what that means, the weather is gloomy, every commercial you hear is valentine’s day themed (annoying couples and...
Archive for category: Staff Notes
Black History Month: The Legacy of Eliza Miller
As a student, I was never really interested in school outside of band, art, free fieldtrips with the track team, trading Pokémon cards and socializing...
Inspire Others
January 26th of 2020. It is one of those days I will always remember. For one thing, it was my sister’s 40th birthday. However, now...
Notice, Connect, Respond to Lead with Equity
eq·ui·ty : noun; 1. the quality of being fair and impartial. In my experience it seems, regarding equity, that (a) there is a negativity bias here...
Leading With a Learner Mindset
Happy Tuesday Everyone! Continuous Learning is one of my favorite ATC values. I think about the value in two ways. As a coach, and a...
Working Together in Community
Happy Tuesday Everyone, I hope this message finds you well. Our blast topic for this week is our ATC core value of Collective Responsibility. Generally,...
Unlocking Your Wisdom
Why can we give friends, family, loved ones, students, coworkers, etc. all the great advice they need, while we don’t actually show up for ourselves in that same way consistently? Is it just me that notices this? This year I think I’ve learned something of this answer as it pertains to me.
Native American Heritage Month
Greetings and Happy Native American Heritage Month! My personal words of the month have become acknowledge and savor. I find that as things get tougher and change waves...
Embracing the Season of Change
Hi Everyone, It’s that time of year. Days get shorter, temperatures drop, leaves change and abandon their trees: fall. Even though this happens annually, it...
Welcoming Nonclosure
Our next few blast introductions focus on the four agreements by Glenn Singleton in Courageous Conversations About Race. Today I am going to focus on: expect...