March into Wellness: The Time Savings You Actually Want

Happy Monday ATC Family!

I hope this email finds you well and rested despite our weekend time change. Daylight savings is great for teachers in some ways (yay for leaving campus with the sun still shining) and awful in others (that hour lost seems directly correlated to students’ ability to meet expectations sometimes).

Regardless of what this week throws at you, I want to use the opportunity to continue our March Wellness series by talking about time, specifically routines you can put in place to free up time normally spent working and use that time to rest.

Routines and rituals are sequences of fixed habits we use to manage our time and energy. As a teacher, routines are essential both for your time with students in the classroom and for your own planning and preparation. Take a look at this list of helpful routines for teachers and see if there are any you want to commit to when you return from spring break. 

One routine teachers are unfortunately known for not committing to is a healthy sleep routine. I know you’ve heard it before, but sleep is crucial both to your health and your productivity. If finding the time to sleep, “wasting” time falling asleep, or not feeling rested after sleeping are challenges for you, check out these three resources to inspire a healthier and more positive sleep routine moving forward:

I hope the time spent reading through the resources feels like time well spent and I hope you know ATC values all the time you put into the work you do! 
