Arkansas Teacher Corps is launching an online portal to make recruitment and licensure even easier! The new portal hosted through SurveyMonkey Apply will make the applicant experience more user-friendly while streamlining the action steps required for fellows to earn a standard teaching license.
We identified an online portal as one of the primary goals for the 2021-22 school year as we continue to recruit a greater number of fellows. In addition to decreasing the amount of time and effort that ATC staff spend reviewing applications, we are also aiming to decrease the number of technical difficulties and amount of confusion experienced by applicants and fellows throughout the process.
Applicants will now be able to save their progress, exit the application, and pick up where they left off when they return. ATC staff will also have greater ability to see applicants’ progress on the application and troubleshoot any technical difficulties they are experiencing. Applicants will also now have the opportunity to request official recommendations as part of their application.
For current fellows, this new portal will provide a centralized location for all major action steps associated with professional development, coaching, and licensure throughout each year. New action steps will show to the fellow a semester at a time, and action steps are automatically differentiated for each fellow based on their licensure area and teaching assignment. Fellows will be able to sign forms directly within the portal and view their own records from previous years’ PD hours and TESS observations.
The portal is expected to be fully launched by the end of March. At that time, 2022 fellows will begin completing their onboarding tasks in the portal, while current fellows will complete action steps related to TESS and student surveys. More information and training will be provided to fellows as the time nears.