This past fall we administered our semi-annual culture survey and saw a lot of growth in our fellows’ overall experience. This is particularly exciting given the fact that teacher satisfaction nationally has been at an all-time low. This continues a consistently positive trend of growth about the corps experience that we have seen since the 2019-20 school year.
This past fall, we saw growth in responses for ALL questions compared to the same time last year. Our largest growth occurred on the question “I feel connected to the ATC family” with a change of +0.6 points (on a 5-point scale). This has been a priority that we have set this year as we have structured our professional development days around connectedness and worked on creating more-connected coaching cohorts and content groups. The chart below shows additional survey items that increased by more than 0.5 points (on a 5-point scale).
Fellows felt the most positive about the support they receive from their ATC coach. The average satisfaction with coaching across all questions and all fellows was 4.87 / 5.00, an increase of +0.36 points from the previous year. Furthermore, we are most excited to see our net promoter score (the percentage of fellows who are very likely to recommend ATC to a friend or family member) increase from 16% in 2019 to 51% in 2020 and to 69% in 2021.