Thank you for working with us to ensure that all students are able to grow in their own social-emotional learning! As a program ATC has been focusing more on emotional resilience and social-emotional learning, and data from student surveys are one of the ways that we hold ourselves accountable and make the case for additional financial support and resources in those areas.

Please see below for more information about the steps you need to take to administer the beginning-of year survey by October 15, 2022.


All fellows with students in grades 6-12 will administer the survey. If you teach multiple grades, you only need to give the survey to class periods with students in grades 6-12.


All data will be used within ATC to identify areas for growth, and all student information will be kept as confidential as possible. Participation is voluntary for students, and there is no consequence for individual students who opt out. (Collect an opt-out form for any student who wants to opt out.)

For the Fellow. ATC Fellows will receive a post-survey report in November that will show their students’ responses compared to ATC overall, as well as by cohort year, content area, grade level, and ATC coach. Fellows who gave the BOY survey in fall 2021 will also see a comparison to that data.

For the Education Community. ATC staff and University researchers will also conduct statistical analysis of all students’ responses this spring compared to the fall for a more comprehensive comparison of how students’ social-emotional skills have grown throughout the year. This is valuable research for the Arkansas education community and is essential program data required by our funders. This analysis will only consider trends and patterns across ALL student responses — individual students, fellows, and/or schools will NOT be identified.


Step 1: Decide When to Give the Survey. Review your calendar and pacing guide to pick a day to administer the survey. The survey takes approximately 15-30 minutes to complete and should be completed in one sitting. (Pro tip: make sure to include the survey on your lesson plans for the date you chose so admin aren’t caught by surprise.)

Step 2: Request Paper Copies (If Needed). While we STRONGLY encourage all Fellows to utilize the electronic versions of the student survey to make it as easy as possible to collect student responses, we can print and mail paper copies to those Fellows who have no other option. Please complete this form to request paper copies at least 2 weeks before the date you plan to administer the survey.

Step 3: Print and Distribute Student Opt-Out Letters. Send these letters home with students at least 1-2 days before you plan to administer the survey in class. Students only need to return signed letters if they DO NOT want to participate. Please collect and keep signed opt-out letters for any students not participating; we will ask for these after all surveys have been administered.

Step 4: Administer Student Survey. Have students complete the survey during class using either the English or Spanish version. If completing the online survey, make sure that students fully submit their responses on the final page. You can access the online surveys by clicking below OR by having students manually type the links below into their browser.

Step 5: Return Any Paper Copies. We will follow-up with Fellows in October with instructions for returning paper copies of student surveys or any opt-out forms for students not participating.